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Email verification

Verification of your email address is a very important:

  • it protects you from a third party using your email address without your knowledge
  • it secures your communication with MediSign, which relies on email

How is it done?

We always send an email with detailed instructions on how to verify your email address.

Just click on the link “Verify email”, which you will find in this email.

If you do not find this message in your Inbox, please check your spam folder (Junk or Spam).

When needed

In two cases

  • when you create your MediSign account using your email
  • when you change your email address

NOTE: When you create a MediSign account using your Google Account, you do not need to verify your email.

What if I do not verify my email?

If you do not verify your email (if needed), you will not have access to your account.

More specifically: you can still login but the only pages that will be available are the Support Pages.

In case verification is expected after Email change, the email change page is also available.

Every other page will ask you to verify your email.

manual/email-verify.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/12 14:32 by Admin