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Welcome to the MediSign documentation page! Here you will find

Use Search (the “box” at the top of the page) for specialized questions. Example: search for Gmail.

If you have a problem using MediSign, if you want to suggest an improvement, but also for any issue you need information, contact the Support Department.

If you are a UK user, please visit our UK Support Page.

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Important Compliance Notice

If you are an international user, subscribed to please check if MediSign is compliant with regulations applied in your country before using the application. While MediSign adapts to many regulations as time passes, it is not yet compatible with all of them.

For more details, please visit our Compliance Page.

If you are a UK user, please visit our UK Compliance Page.

Getting started

MediSign is simple and user-friendly. It takes ten minutes to start productively.

Read the guide here: Getting started

Watch our Quick Tour Video!

User Manual

See the contents here: User manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

See the contents here: FAQ

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/13 18:22 by Admin